About Paul
Paul Davis a Patriot, a lawyer and an activist. Never one to kowtow to tyranny, he went to work exposing rampant violations of federal election integrity following the 2020 presidential and congressional elections. This proved to be a fateful decision, for both Paul and the left.
For Paul the decision unleashed a chain of events including the loss of his job, a sinister visit from the F.B.I. and his then fiance walking out on him. As his circle of friends began to collapse his work life followed suit as he was black balled from the legal profession. This all happened as a result of the left leaning media coverage and their penchant for biased and fabricated coverage.
This proved a fateful decision for the left as well. Paul will not bow his knee for anybody but God, the leftist media has underestimated Paul’s perseverance. He is back with “Class Action Patriots,” A program designed to educate the people on their constitutional rights and teach them how to protect themselves from a rogue Department of Justice.
Paul was forced to dismiss the election lawsuit due to lack of financial resources , but through his faith in God he was compelled to begin a law firm focused on fighting for the civil rights of conservatives. This is a cause with great meaning to Paul and well worth the time spent on this endeavor.
Legal work can come at a great expense, in regard to both time and financial resources, it is not possible to represent everyone truly in need of legal representation. This quandary has been a persistent and pervasive problem for Paul, until recently..
Class Action Patriots was an idea born out of necessity.
Paul is passionate about Class Action Patriots because of his personal experience. Far too many patriots have shared a similar fate following the 2020 elections and Class Action Patriots is designed to educate people on these rights so they can effectively and affordably defend themselves.
America is sorely missing a resource like this.
Class Action Patriots is designed to educate patriots, like yourself Pro Se law. Translated “Pro se” means “for himself.” This means pro se law will give any patriot a baseline education on how to properly defend themselves in the face of unjust charges and a lack of resources. Signing up for Class Action Patriots comes with a minimal investment so you have nothing to lose, get registered today!